In addition to the academic background, my career in financial industry is over 20-year long. I worked for Ohio Savings Bank, AmTrust Bank, Charter One Bank, New York Community Bank, and Freedom Mortgage in various roles related to business, financial and quantitative analysis, and project management. My primary expertise is in Mortgage Origination/Secondary Mortgage Marketing, Credit Cards and Correspondent Banking areas.
capital structure, financial regulation, financial crises; applications of advanced quantitative analysis in Finance, e.g. regression methods robust to outliers and multicollinearity, change point analysis, forecasting models, variable selection, Bayesian statistics and simulation analysis
Why Do Banks Choose to Finance with Equity? Nonna Y. Sorokina, John H. Thornton, Jr., and Ajay Patel, 2017. Journal of Financial Stability, Vol.30, June 2017, p. 36-52. Presented at the FMA’14, MFA’15, EFA’15.
Reactions of Equity Markets to Recent Financial Reforms. Nonna Sorokina and John H. Thornton, 2016. Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 87, September-October 2016, p. 50-69. KSU School of Business Dean’s Best Paper 2012 Award. Presented at the MFA’12, at the FMA European’13, at the IFABS’13(invited paper in the special session organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland), and at the FMA International’13
Analyst Optimism in the Automotive Industry: A Post-Bailout Boost and Methodological Insights. Barry Hettler, Yertai Tanai, Nonna Sorokina and David Booth, 2015. Journal of Data Science, Vol.13, No.3 (July), p. 473-494. Presented at the MWDSI’13
Robust Methods in Event Studies: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Implications. Nonna Y. Sorokina, David E. Booth and John H. Thornton, Jr., 2013. Journal of Data Science, Vol.11, No.3 (July), p. 607-621. Presented at the EFA’12, FMA’12
Risk Mitigation Instead of Risk Shifting: the Role of Liquidity in Capital Regulation, with Ajay Patel and John Thornton. Presented at the EFA’18, FMA Asia/Pacific’18, India Finance Conference’18, FMA’18, MFA’19, FMA European’19
Are Listed Banks Riskier than Private Banks? with Hamid Mehran, Ajay Patel, and Mark Flannery. Presented at the FMA’19, Accepted for the FMA European’20
Bank Capital and Firm Capital, with Lindsay Baran, Accepted for the EFA’20, FMA'20
Chasing the Change: a Study of DAX Returns and its Futures Liquidity, with David E. Booth. Presented at the EFA’14, MWDSI’14. MWDSI’14 Best Application Paper Award
Does Risky Lending Make Listed Banks Riskier than Private? with Kenneth Ford and Ajay Patel
Effect of the Opioid Epidemic on Banking System, with Raluca Roman and Wenli Li
Lifecycle of Banks, with Hamid Mehran and Ajay Patel
Who is who in Fintech lending: banking behind the fancy curtain?
Banks Size Matters When it Comes to Leverage Components, with David Booth.
Variable Selection: a Case of Bank Capital Structure Determinants, with David Booth.
Long-term impact of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act on the financial industry, with James Thomson.
MBS Prepayment Speed and More: Forecasting Model Based on Pure Rational Behavior, Quasi-Simulation and Empirical Restrictions.
Penn State University, Temple University, The College of New Jersey; Wake Forest University, Kent State University
Recent teaching evaluations: Fall’18 ~ 4.3/5; Spring’19 ~ 4.5/5; Fall’19 ~ 4.6/5; Spring'20 ~ 4.4/5 3-year average ~ 4.3/5
Teaching Areas: Corporate Finance, Quantitative Financial Analysis, Investments, Financial Markets and Institutions, Risk Management
Small and large classes
In-person and online content delivery
Introductory through advanced undergraduate and graduate level
Student-centered, innovative approach with high utilization of technology and real-world applications of knowledge focused on hands-on learning and teamwork
Student Investment Fund
Retirement Planning
Intermediate Financial Management^
Financial Modeling*^
Corporate Finance*^
Introduction to Investments*
Fundamental Financial Methods*
Applied Quantitative Analysis for Finance
Quantitative Analysis II – MBA for Working Professionals ~ weekends
Quantitative Analysis I
Financial System
Individual Investment Analysis
Business Finance
* courses were also developed and delivered in blended (partially on-line) form
^ courses were also developed and delivered in on-line
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